17 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi

2SK-3SK Transistör ve özellikleri Hakkında bulabildiklerim

2SK1010 N-FET 500V 6A 80W 1E5 | 
2SK1036 N-FET 250V 1A 2W 80ns
2SK1057 N-FET 140V 7A 100W | 
2SK1058 N-FET 160V 7A 100W 1E
2SK107 N-FET 9V 20MA 250MW | 
2SK108 N-FET 50V 20mA 0.3W 70E
2SK1081 N-FET 800V 7A 125W 380ns | 
2SK1082 N-FET 900V 6A 125W 2.8E
2SK1101 N-FET 450V 10A 50W E65 =1 | 
2SK1102 N-FET 500V 10A 50W 240ns
2SK1113 N-FET 120V 3A 20W | 
2SK1117 N-FET 600V 6A 100W 1.25R
2SK1118 N-FET 600V 6A 45W 1.25R | 
2SK1119 N-FET 100V 4A 100W
2SK1120 N-FET 1000V 8A 150W 1E8 | 
2SK117 N-FET 50V 5mA
2SK1170 N-FET 500V 20A 120W E27 | 
2SK118 N-FET 50V 0.3mA 0.1W
2SK1181 N-FET 500V 13A 85W 0.4E | 
2SK1190 N-FET 60V 22A 35W 0E05
2SK1191 N-FET 60V 30A 40W 0.03E | 
2SK1198 N-FET 700V 2A 35W 3.2E
2SK1213 N-FET 600V 6A 125W 40/85ns | 
2SK1217 N-FET 900V 8A 100W
2SK1221 N-FET 250V 10A 80W 0E4 | 
2SK125 N-FET 25V 0.1A 0.3W
2SK1257 N-FET 60V 40A 45W 0.05E | 
2SK1271 N-FET 1400V 5A 240W 4E
2SK1275 N-FET 900V 2A 30W 7E | 
2SK1296 N-FET 60V 30A 0.024E
2SK1299 N-FET 100V 3A 20W 0E45 | 
2SK1317 N-FET 1500V 2.5A 100W 12E
2SK1338 N-FET 900V 2A 50W 7E | 
2SK1341 N-FET 900V 6A 100W 3E
2SK1342 N-FET 900V 8A 100W 1E6 | 
2SK1345 N-FET 60V 20A 40W E055
2SK1350 N-FET 200V 15A 45W 0E14 | 
2SK1351 N-FET 500V 5A 40W 1E5
2SK1356 N-FET 900V 3A 40W | 
2SK1357 N-FET 900V 5A 125W
2SK1358 N-FET 900V 9A 150W 1.4E | 
2SK1363 N-FET 900V 8A 90W 1.4E
2SK1377 N-FET 500V 5.5A 40W | 
2SK1378 N-FET 400V 10A 125W 0.55E
2SK1379 N-FET 60V 50A 150W E017 | 
2SK1388 N-FET 30V 35A 60W E022
2SK1400 N-FET 300V 7A 50W | 
2SK1404 N-FET 600V 5A 35W 1E5
2SK1419 N-FET 60V 15A 25W E08 | 
2SK1420 N-FET 60V 25A 30W 0.045E
2SK1444 N-FET 450V 3A 25W 2.6E | 
2SK1447 N-FET 450V 9A 40W E6
2SK1460 N-FET 900V 3.5A 40W 2E8 | 
2SK1461 N-FET 900V 5A 120W
2SK1462 N-FET 900V 8A 150W | 
2SK1502 N-FET 900V 7A 120W 2E
2SK1507 N-FET 600V 9A 50W 240ns | 
2SK152 N-FET 15V 9.5mA Up2V
2SK1529 N-FET 180V 10A 120W | 
2SK1530 N-FET 200V 12A 150W
2SK1531 N-FET 500V 15A 150W E45 | 
2SK1537 N-FET 900V 5A 100W 290ns
2SK1544 N-FET 500V 25A 200W 0.2E | 
2SK161 N-FET 18V 0.01A 0.2W
2SK1612 N-FET 900V 3A 50W 40/140ns | 
2SK163 N-FET 50V 0.03A 0.4W
2SK1637 N-FET 600V 4A 35W 2E4 | 
2SK1643 N-FET 900V 5A 125W 2.8E
2SK1653 N-FET 60V 45A 45W E02 | 
2SK168 N-FET 30V 20mA 0.2W FM-V/
2SK170 N-FET 40V 20mA 0.4W | 
2SK1723 N-FET 600V 12A 150W E65
2SK1833 N-FET 500V 2.5A 40W 4E | 
2SK184 N-FET 50V 0.6mA Up1.5V
2SK1917M N-FET 250V 10A 50W E4 | 
2SK192 N-FET 18V Idss3mA Up3V
2SK1924 N-FET 600V 6A 1.75W | 
2SK1940 N-FET 600V 12A 125W E75 | 
2SK1941 N-FET 600V 16A 100W E55
2SK1943 N-FET 900V 5A 80W 2E8 | 
2SK1953 N-FET 600V 2A 25W 5E
2SK2038 N-FET 800V 5A 125W 2E2 | 
2SK2039 N-FET 900V 5A 150W 2E5
2SK2043 N-FET 600V 2A 2W 4E3 | 
2SK2056 N-FET 800V 4A 40W 2.4E
2SK2078 N-FET 800V 9A 150W 1E2 | 
2SK2083 N-FET 900V 5A 70W 3E6
2SK212 N-FET 20V 0.6mA 0.2W | 
2SK2134 N-FET 200V 13A 70W E4
2SK2136 N-FET 200V 20A 75W E18 | 
2SK214 N-FET 160V 0.5A 30W
2SK2141 N-FET 600V 6A 35W 1.1E | 
2SK216 N-FET 200V 0.5A 30W
2SK2161 N-FET 200V 9A 25W 0.35E | 
2SK223 N-FET 80V 1.2mA 0.4W
2SK2333 N-FET 700V 6A 50W 2E | 
2SK2352 N-FET 600V 6A 45W 1E25
2SK240 N-FET 40V 2.6mA Up1.5V | 
2SK246 N-FET 50V 1,2mA Up6V | 
2SK2485 N-FET 900V 6A 100W 2.8E
2SK2545 N-FET 600V 6A 40W 1.25E | 
2SK2561 N-FET 600V 9A 80W 1.2E
2SK2605 N-FET 800V 5A 45W 2.2E | 
2SK2632LS N-FET 800V 2.5A 30W 4E8
2SK301 N-FET 55V 20mA 0.25W | 
2SK303 N-FET 30V 0.6mA Up4V
2SK304 N-FET 30V 0.6mA Up4V | 
2SK30ATM N-FET 50V 6.5mA
2SK315 N-FET 20V 2.5mA 0.2W | 
2SK320 N-FET 450V 5A 50W 1E83
2SK33 N-FET 20V 20mA 0.15W | 
2SK330 N-FET 50V 14MA 0.2W 320R
2SK332 N-FET 40V 12mA Up=0.5V | 
2SK357 N-FET 150V 5A 40W E9
2SK359 N-FET 20V 30mA 0.4W | 
2SK363 N-FET 40V 5mA Up1.2V
2SK364 N-FET 40V 2.6mA Up1.5V | 
2SK367 N-FET 100V 0.6mA
2SK369 N-FET 40V 5mA Up1.2V | 
2SK373 N-FET 100V 0.6mA
2SK374 N-FET 55V 1mA Up5V | 
2SK381 N-FET 50V 0.3mA 0.3W
2SK386 N-FET 450V 10A 120W | 
2SK389 2xN-FET 50V
2SK40 N-FET 50V 6.5mA | 
2SK400 N-FET 200V 8A 100W 0E7
2SK404 N-FET 20V 1.2mA 0.2W | 
2SK415 N-FET 800V 3A 100W 6E
2SK423 N-FET 100V 0.5A 0.9W 25ns | 
2SK427 N-FET 15V 2.5mA Up1.5V
2SK430 N-FET 150V 3A 20W 0E8 |
2SK439 N-FET 20V 30mA 0.3W
2SK511 N-FET 250V 0.3A 8W | 
2SK513 N-FET 800V 3A 60W 50/120ns
2SK526 N-FET 250V 10A 40W 0.6R | 
2SK537 N-FET 900V 1A 60W
2SK538 N-FET 900V 3A 100W 4.5R | 
2SK544 N-FET 20V 30mA 0.3W
2SK55 N-FET 18V 14mA VHF | 
2SK553 N-FET 500V 5A 50W 1E5
2SK555 N-FET 500V 7A 60W E85 | 
2SK557 N-FET 500V 12A 100W 0E6
2SK559 N-FET 450V 15A 100W 0E36 | 
2SK583 N-FET 50V 0.2A 0.6W 20E
2SK606 N-FET 30V 20mA Up3V | 
2SK611 N-FET 100V 1A 10W 6E
2SK612 N-FET 100V 2A 20W | 
2SK68 N-FET 50V 0.5mA Up1.5V
2SK685 N-FET 1000V 5A 100W 2E | 
2SK701 N-FET 60V 2A 15W E6
2SK703 N-FET 100V 5A 35W 0E5 | 
2SK719 N-FET 900V 5A 120W
2SK725 N-FET 500V 15A 125W 0E38 | 
2SK727 N-FET 900V 5A 125W 2E5
2SK73 N-FET 200V 0.1A 5W | 
2SK735 N-FET 450V 10A 100W 0E8
2SK754 N-FET 160V 10A 50W 0E22 | 
2SK758 N-FET 250V 5A 40W OE7
2SK769 N-FET 500V 10A 100W 1E | 
2SK786 N-FET 20V 3A 50W 7E5
2SK787 N-FET 900V 8A 120W | 
2SK790 N-FET 500V 15A 150W
2SK791 N-FET 850V 3A 100W 4.5R | 
2SK792 N-FET 900V 3A 100W 4.5R
2SK793 N-FET 850V 5A 150W 2.5R | 
2SK794 N-FET 900V 5A 150W 2.5R
2SK796 N-FET 800V 3A 90W 5E | 
2SK806 N-FET 600V 3A 50W 2E7
2SK817 N-FET 60V 26A 35W 0.08E | 
2SK83 N-FET 25V 10MA 0.1W Up2.
2SK851 N-FET 200V 30A 150W | 
2SK856 N-FET 60V 45A 125W E03
2SK872 N-FET 900V 6A 150W 2.5E | 
2SK875 N-FET 450V 12A 120W 0.6E
2SK890 N-FET 200V 10A 75W E4 | 
2SK891 N-FET 100V 18A 125W E18
2SK899 N-FET 500V 18A 125W E33 | 
2SK902 N-FET 250V 30A 150W
2SK903 N-FET 800V 3A 40W 4E | 
2SK904 N-FET 800V 3A 80W 4E
2SK940 N-FET 60V 0.8A 0.9W 1.1E | 
2SK943 N-FET 60V 25A 40W E046
2SK951 N-FET 800V 2.5A 40W 7E | 
2SK952 N-FET 800V 0.5mA
2SK955 N-FET 800V 5A 125W 2E | 
2SK956 N-FET 800V 9A 150W 1E5
2SK962 N-FET 900V 0.5mA Up2.5V | 
3SK131 N-FET-DG 20V 25mA 0.2W
3SK60 N-FET-DG 15V 33mA | 
3SK73 N-FET-DG 20V 3mA
3SK74 N-FET-DG 20V 25mA 0.2W

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All LEDs require current limiting, without a current limiting mechanism the LED will usually burn out in under a second. Adding a simple resistor is the easiest way to limit the current. Use the calculator below to find out the value of resistor you require.

For example if you are wanting to power one of our_blank">red LEDs in an automotive application you would see that the typical forward voltage is 2.0 Volts and the maximum continuous forward current is 30mA. Therefore you would enter 14.5, 2.0 and 30 into the Single LED calculation box. After calculating you get 470ohm 1 watt as the result. Here is a that allows you to enter a resistor value and generate the corresponding color code.

Note: For automotive applications use the actual system voltage, not 12 Volts. Most 12 Volt system actually operate at around 14.5 Volts.

Supply Voltage
Voltage Drop Across LED
Desired LED Current

Calculated Limiting Resistor
Nearest higher rated 10% resistor

Calculated Resistor Wattage
Safe pick is a resistor with
power rating of (common values are .25W, .5W, and 1W)

LEDs in series

Several leds in series with one resistor
Supply Voltage
Voltage Drop Across LED
Desired LED Current
How many LEDs connected

Calculated Limiting Resistor
Nearest higher rated 10% resistor

Calculated Resistor Wattage
Safe pick is a resistor with
power rating of (common values are .25W, .5W, and 1W)


Çıkış Voltajı
R1 resistor

R2 resistor

R1 resistor
R2 resistor

Çıkış Voltajı

Lm317 uygulama devreleri ve detayli bilgiye Buradan ulasabilirsiniz


Value Of R1 Ohms Value Of R2 Ohms
Value Of C1 Microfarads
Output Time HIGH SECONDS Output Time LOW SECONDS Output Period HIGH + LOW SECONDS Output Frequency HERTZ Output Duty Cycle PERCENT
Resistor values are in Ohms (1K = 1000) - Capacitor values are in Microfarads (1uF = 1)

NOTE: The leakage currents of electrolytic capacitors will affect the actual output results of the timers. To compensate for leakage it is often better to use a higher value capacitor and lower value resistances in the timer circuits.

LM555 Astable Oscillator Circuit Diagram


The next calculator can find the capacitance needed for a particular output frequency if the values of R1 and R2 are known.

Value Of R1 Ohms Value Of R2 Ohms
Frequency Desired Hertz
Capacitance uF


kA (kiloamps) A (amps) mA (milliamps) µA (microamps)
kV (kilovolts) V (volts) mV (millivolts) µV (microvolts)