9 Mart 2010 Salı

74LS01--- 74LS688 TTL Mantık ENTEGRELERİ

74 Numaralı Ön Eke sahip Mantık TTL Entegreleri

TTL mantık ailesi 54 veya 74 numaralı önekine sahiptirler. 54 serisi askeri amaçlıdır. Çalışma sıcaklığı aralığı -55°C ile +125°C arasında iken, 74 serisi entegreler için bu aralık 0°C ila +70°C arasındadır.
Bu mantık ailesindeki entegreler genellikle AA74YYXXX şeklinde tanımlanırlar. AA
harfleri entegreyi üreten firmayı gösteren harf veya harflerdir. Texas Insturuments ön
ek olarak ‘SN’, National Semiconductor ‘DM’, Signetics ‘S’ kısaltmalarını
kullanmaktadırlar. YY harfleri entegrenin hangi TTL alt grubuna ait olduğunu gösterir.
XXX entegrenin fonksiyonunu gösteren iki veya üç basamaklı bir sayıdır.

74LS01 4x iki giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS 02 4x iki giriş NOR
74LS03 4x iki giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS 6x Inverter (NOT
74LS05 6x Inverter (NOT), Open collector
74LS 6x Inverter (NOT), High voltage Open collector
74LS07 6x Buffer (NO-OP), High voltage Open collector
74LS08 4x iki giriş AND
74LS09 4x iki giriş çıkış AND, Open collector
74LS10 3x üç giriş NAND
74LS11 3x üç giriş çıkış AND
74LS12 3x üç giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS13 2x dört giriş, Schmitt Trigger NAND
74LS14 6x Inverter (NOT), Schmitt Trigger
74LS15 3x üç giriş AND, Open collector
74LS16 6x Inverter (NOT), High voltage Open collector
74LS17 N 6x Buffer (NO-OP), High voltage Open collector
74LS19 6x Inverter (NOT), Schmitt Trigger
74LS20 2x dört giriş NAND
74LS21 <2x dört giriş AND
74LS22 2x dört giriş NAND, Open collector
7423 2x dört giriş NOR with Strobe
7425 2x dört giriş NOR with Strobe
74LS26 4x iki giriş NAND, High voltage
74LS27 3x üç giriş NOR
74LS28 4x iki giriş NOR
74LS30 sekiz giriş NAND
74LS 31 6x DELAY (6nS to 48nS
74LS32 4x iki giriş OR
74LS33 4x iki giriş NOR, Open collector
74LS37 4x iki giriş çıkış NAND
74LS38 4x iki giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS39 4x iki giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS40 4x iki giriş NAND, Open collector
74LS42 dörtten ona (BCD to Decimal) DECODER
74LS45 dörtten ona (BCD to Decimal) DECODER, High current
74LS46 BCD to yedi-Segment DECODER, Open Collector, lamp test and leading zero handling
74LS47 BCD to yedi-Segment DECODER, Open Collector, lamp test and leading zero handling
74LS48 BCD to yedi-Segment DECODER, lamp test and leading zero handling
74LS49 BCD to yedi-Segment DECODER, Open collector
7450 2x (iki giriş AND) NOR (iki giriş AND), expandable
74LS51 (a AND b AND c) NOR (c AND e AND f) plus (g AND h) NOR (i AND j)
7453 NOR dört iki giriş ANDs, expandable
74LS54 NOR dört iki giriş ANDs
74LS55 NOR iki dört giriş ANDs
74LS56 P 3x frekans bölücü, 5:1, 5:1, 10:1
74LS57 P 3x frekans bölücü, 5:1, 6:1, 10:1
74S64 4-3-2-2 AND-OR-INVERT
74S65 4-3-2-2 AND-OR-INVERT
74L68 2x dört bit BCD decimal COUNTER
74LS69 2x dört bit binary COUNTER
7470 1x gated JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
7472 1x gated JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
74LS73 2x JK FLIPFLOP with clear
74LS74 2x D LATCH, edge triggered with clear
74LS75 4x D LATCH, gated
74LS76 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
74LS77 4x D LATCH, gated
74LS78 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP with preset and clear
74LS83 dört bit binary ADDER
74LS85 dört bit binary COMPARATOR
74LS86 4x iki giriş XOR (exclusive or)
74LS90 dört bit BCD decimal COUNTER
74LS91 sekiz bit SHIFT register
74LS92 dört bit divide-by-twelve COUNTER
74LS93 dört bit binary COUNTER
74LS94 dört bit SHIFT register
74LS95 B dört bit parallel access SHIFT register
74LS96 Five bit SHIFT register
74LS107 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP with clear
74LS109 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP, edge triggered, with preset and clear
74LS112 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP, edge triggered, with preset and clear
74LS114 A 2x JK FLIPFLOP, edge triggered, with preset
74LS116 2x dört bit LATCH with clear
74121 Monostable Multivibrator
74LS122 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74LS123 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74S124 2x Clock Generator or Voltage Controlled Oscillator
74LS125 4x Buffer (NO-OP), (low gate) Tri-state
74LS126 4x Buffer (NO-OP), (high gate) Tri-state
74LS130 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74128 4x iki giriş NOR, Line driver
74LS132 4x iki giriş NAND, Schmitt trigger
74S133 Thirteen giriş NAND
74S134 Twelve giriş NAND, Tri-state
74S135 4x iki giriş XOR (exclusive or)
74LS136 4x iki giriş XOR (exclusive or), Open collector
74LS137 3-8 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74LS138 3-8 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74LS139 A 2x 2-4 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74S140 2x dört giriş NAND, 50 ohm Line Driver
74143 dört bit counter and latch with 7-segment LED driver
74LS145 dört bit counter and latch with 7-segment LED driver
74LS147 10-4 priority ENCODER
74LS148 8-3 gated priority ENCODER
74LS150 16-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)
74LS151 8-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)
74LS153 2x 4-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)
74LS154 4-16 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74LS155 A 2x 2-4 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74LS156 2x 2-4 DECODER (demultiplexer)
74LS157 4x 2-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)
74LS158 4x 2-1 SELECTOR (multiplexer)
74159 4-16 DECODER (demultiplexer), Open collector
74LS160 A dört bit synchronous BCD COUNTER with load and asynchronous clear
74LS161 A dört bit synchronous binary COUNTER with load and asynchronous clear
74LS162 A dört bit synchronous BCD COUNTER with load and synchronous clear
74LS163 A dört bit synchronous binary COUNTER with load and synchronous clear
74LS164 sekiz bit parallel çıkış SHIFT register
74LS165 sekiz bit parallel in SHIFT register
74LS166 A sekiz bit parallel in SHIFT register
74LS169A dört bit synchronous binary up+down COUNTER
74LS170 4×4 Register file, Open collector
74LS174 6x D LATCH with clear
74LS175 4x D LATCH with clear and dual çıkışputs
74LS170 dört bit parallel in and çıkış SHIFT register
74LS180 dört bit parity checker
74LS181 dört bit ALU
74LS182 Look-ahead carry generator
74LS183 2x One bit full ADDER
74LS190 dört bit Synchronous up and down COUNTER
74LS191 dört bit Synchronous up and down COUNTER
74LS192 dört bit Synchronous up and down COUNTER
74LS193 dört bit Synchronous up and down COUNTER
74LS194 dört bit parallel in and çıkış bidirectional SHIFT register
74LS195 dört bit parallel in and çıkış SHIFT register
74LS198 sekiz bit parallel in and çıkış bidirectional SHIFT register
74LS199 sekiz bit parallel in and çıkış bidirectional SHIFT register, JK serial giriş
74LS221 2x Monostable multivibrator
74LS240 8x Inverter (NOT), Tri-state
74LS241 8x Buffer (NO-OP), Tri-state
74LS244 8x Buffer (NO-OP), Tri-state Line driver
74LS245 8x Bidirectional Tri-state BUFFER
74LS259 sekiz bit addressable LATCH
74LS260 2x Five giriş NOR
74LS273 8x D FLIPFLOP with clear
74LS279 4x SR LATCH
74LS283 dört bit binary full ADDER
74LS373 8x Transparent (gated) LATCH, Tri-state
74LS374 8x Edge-triggered LATCH, Tri-state
74LS629 Volatge controlled OSCILLATOR
74LS688 sekiz bit binary COMPARATOR

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All LEDs require current limiting, without a current limiting mechanism the LED will usually burn out in under a second. Adding a simple resistor is the easiest way to limit the current. Use the calculator below to find out the value of resistor you require.

For example if you are wanting to power one of our_blank">red LEDs in an automotive application you would see that the typical forward voltage is 2.0 Volts and the maximum continuous forward current is 30mA. Therefore you would enter 14.5, 2.0 and 30 into the Single LED calculation box. After calculating you get 470ohm 1 watt as the result. Here is a that allows you to enter a resistor value and generate the corresponding color code.

Note: For automotive applications use the actual system voltage, not 12 Volts. Most 12 Volt system actually operate at around 14.5 Volts.

Supply Voltage
Voltage Drop Across LED
Desired LED Current

Calculated Limiting Resistor
Nearest higher rated 10% resistor

Calculated Resistor Wattage
Safe pick is a resistor with
power rating of (common values are .25W, .5W, and 1W)

LEDs in series

Several leds in series with one resistor
Supply Voltage
Voltage Drop Across LED
Desired LED Current
How many LEDs connected

Calculated Limiting Resistor
Nearest higher rated 10% resistor

Calculated Resistor Wattage
Safe pick is a resistor with
power rating of (common values are .25W, .5W, and 1W)


Çıkış Voltajı
R1 resistor

R2 resistor

R1 resistor
R2 resistor

Çıkış Voltajı

Lm317 uygulama devreleri ve detayli bilgiye Buradan ulasabilirsiniz


Value Of R1 Ohms Value Of R2 Ohms
Value Of C1 Microfarads
Output Time HIGH SECONDS Output Time LOW SECONDS Output Period HIGH + LOW SECONDS Output Frequency HERTZ Output Duty Cycle PERCENT
Resistor values are in Ohms (1K = 1000) - Capacitor values are in Microfarads (1uF = 1)

NOTE: The leakage currents of electrolytic capacitors will affect the actual output results of the timers. To compensate for leakage it is often better to use a higher value capacitor and lower value resistances in the timer circuits.

LM555 Astable Oscillator Circuit Diagram


The next calculator can find the capacitance needed for a particular output frequency if the values of R1 and R2 are known.

Value Of R1 Ohms Value Of R2 Ohms
Frequency Desired Hertz
Capacitance uF


kA (kiloamps) A (amps) mA (milliamps) µA (microamps)
kV (kilovolts) V (volts) mV (millivolts) µV (microvolts)